I'm using the GMongo library in Groovy to read items from MongoDB. The CacheItem class is a simple object to hold cache items, and each item has an expiration time which is set at the time when it's added to the mongo. When I read items from mongo, I only want to retrieve items that have not expired based on the expirationMillis field.
class CacheItem {
def _id
def cacheKey
long expirationMillis
def value
This works for retrieving items using the cacheKey
item = mongoDb.cache.findOne( cacheKey: "600")
But when I try to use criteria with greater than/less than convention against the expirationMillis, I can't seem to retrieve any documents..
long nowMillis = (new Date()).getTime()
item = mongoDb.cache.findOne( cacheKey: "600", expirationMillis: { $gt: nowMillis})
Am I using the wrong convention?
You have to escape $gt such that it looks like this:
long nowMillis = (new Date()).getTime()
item = mongoDb.cache.findOne( [ cacheKey: "600", expirationMillis: [ "\\\$gt" : nowMillis]] as BasicDBObject)
long nowMillis = (new Date()).getTime()
item = mongoDb.cache.findOne( [ cacheKey: "600", expirationMillis: [ '$gt' : nowMillis]] as BasicDBObject )