Ever since porting an app from XE to XE2 I noticed a strange bug, just opening the form in the ide or running the app, a white square box is drawn on the top left corner of the screen (out of the form), which goes away upon hovering the mouse or a window over. I tracked this down to TLabel, simply dropping one on the form and setting Glowsize above 0 causes the issue.
I reinstalled and updated to the last XE2 update3 and the issue still occurs. Anyone has a clue what's going on?
The problem starts in TCustomLabel.AdjustBounds
with a call to DoDrawText
with the screen's device context and the flag DT_CALCRECT. So if anything paints on that device context, it will be painted onto the screen. The DT_CALCRECT
flag should prevent that but the DrawThemeTextEx
call in Vcl.Themes.TUxThemeStyle.DoDrawText
seems to ignore the DT_CALCRECT + LOptions.dwFlags DTT_CALCRECT and paints onto the device context where it should only calculate the required rectangle. I don't know why DrawThemeTextEx
does that (yet), but it is a starting point.
Delphi 2009 doesn't seem to be affected by this but also calls DrawThemeTextEx. The only difference I see is that all unused fields of the Options record are zero whereas in Delphi XE2 they contain garbage. Maybe DrawThemeTextEx needs them to be zero.
The difference between Delphi 2009 and XE2 is that in Delphi 2009 not only DTT_CALCRECT is specified but also DTT_COMPOSITE.
In Delphi 2009 the DTT_COMPOSITE is always set:
whereas in XE2 the flag is only set if the label is painted on glass:
if csGlassPaint in ControlState then
Include(LFormat, tfComposited);