
Jenkins multi-configuration project doesn't aggregate test results

I have a multi-configuration project set up to run FF and IE selenium tests. However, it's not aggregating the test results.

If I look at the Project Page I see this:

If I go into a specific build I see this:

But if I click on one of those specific configuration names I see this:

Is there a way to get these results to aggregate? (I have the aggregate downstream results project configuration checkbox checked)


  • This is currently a Jenkins bug- Kohsuke Kawaguchi specifically replied to this bug on Aug/31/2011 in the IRC channel (logs - start @ [21:54:47]). Here are the work around responses from those two links:

    From the Bug page >>

    You can workaround this by explicitly specifying the jobs to aggregate, rather than relying on the downstream builds logic, and specifying the matrix axes (in quotes) explicitly - i.e., NonMatrixJob,"MatrixJob/label=l_centos5_x86" - the quotes in case of commas in your axis.

    From the IRC Log >>

    I did verify that explicitly specifying the list of jobs to aggregate test results from and using the fully qualified job name, including axis, did the trick, but it's a shame that I can't get the auto-discovery from the downstream jobs working.