I can get push working except for messages that come in while app is closed.
Messages do show up on Notification Center, but only passed to app when user clicks on the actual msg 1 by 1.
Does anyone know if there is a way to fetch all the messages from the Notification Center with Rhomobile?
For anyone interested,
Could not find a way to retrieve notifications from iOS Notifications Center so I did the following:
added in application.rb
def on_activate_app
# Had to do this for iOS not getting all the messages from Notification Center
Rho::Timer.start(100, "/app/Settings/check_for_pending_friends", "nil")
Then in controller.rb inside the Settings folder
def check_for_pending_friends
person = Person.find(:first)
url = "http://my_app.com/users/#{person.remote_id}/pending_msgs
# which looks for any msgs sent to that person with read_at = nil from server
:url => url,
:headers => {'User-Agent' => Rho::RhoConfig.user_agent},
:callback => url_for(:action => :see_if_pending_messages_callback)
) if person
def see_if_pending_messages_callback
# Check to see if msg does not already exist in device, if not then add it