
Android Multi Screen

Today, i read much information on android's multi-screen document. I doubt that android support multi-screen on QVGA, HVGA and WVGA when you use 'dp' unit on the xml layout.Does the android support the same density but different resolution? For example, i define a xml layout for mdip. Can this layout be used on 480x800 and 320x480 resolution?

Thank You.


  • To answer your question: Yes, that layout could be used on various resolutions.

    If you're using density based layouts and drawables, they can be used across all kinds of screen sizes. Examples of mdpi (160):

    They might be different resolutions, but the density is approximately the same (mdpi). If you want to create layouts for each specific screen size, you can use normal-mdpi, large-mdpi and xlarge-mdpi.

    There's a lot of information available on the subject at the Android Developer site:

    I'd suggest you go ahead and do a lot of testing with the various SDK templates. That helped me a lot when I was in your situation.