I would like to log into my account with Python and get python to print the messages I received in my mailbox. I know how to connect
import getpass, poplib
user = 'my_user_name'
Mailbox = poplib.POP3_SSL('pop.googlemail.com', '995')
I don't know how to get Python to display my messages. I tried all the functions in the poplib doc. They only display numbers.
You have not posted your source code, but here is my response:
How to get the total number of messages:
(numMsgs, totalSize) = self.conn_pop3.stat()
How to get a specific message, knowing its number in the mailbox:
(server_msg, body, octets) = self.conn_pop3.retr(number)
So the function you might need is retr, it returns a tuple. See here.
Careful it also sets the respective email as SEEN on the server! You can probably undo that, at least with IMAP you can.
And my implementation of a pop3 lib email read:
from poplib import POP3
if self.pop3_connected:
#------Check if email number is valid----------------------
(numMsgs, totalSize) = self.conn_pop3.stat()
self.debug(200, "Total number of server messages: ", numMsgs)
self.debug(200, "Total size of server messages: ", totalSize)
if number>numMsgs:
self.debug(200, "\nSorry - there aren't that many messages in your inbox\n")
return False
(server_msg, body, octets) = self.conn_pop3.retr(number)
self.debug(200, "Server Message: " , server_msg)
self.debug(200, "Number of Octets: " , octets)
self.debug(200, "Message body:")
for line in body:
print line
#end for
return True
Also here is the POP3 connection, at least how I implemented it...sort of tricky using a string comparison, but it worked for my app:
def __connect_pop3__(self):
"""\brief Method for connecting to POP3 server
\return True If connection to POP3 succeeds or if POP3 is already connected
\return False If connection to POP3 fails
#------Check that POP3 is not already connected-----------------------
if not self.pop3_connected:
#------Connect POP3-----------------------------------------------
self.debug(100, 'Connecting POP3 with: ', self.host_name, self.user_name, self.pass_name)
self.conn_pop3 = POP3(self.host_name)
res1 = self.conn_pop3.user(self.user_name)
string1 = str(res1)
self.debug(100, 'User identification result:', string1)
res2 = self.conn_pop3.pass_(self.pass_name)
string2 = str(res2)
self.debug(100, 'Pass identification result:', string2)
#------Check if connection resulted in success--------------------
#------Server on DavMail returns 'User successfully logged on'----
if string2.find('User successfully logged on')<>-1 or string1.find('User successfully logged on')<>-1 :
self.pop3_connected = True
return True
return False
self.debug(255, 'POP3 already connected')
return True