I am trying to output some inline js on a page. I don't really want to add it to any JS file since it is so aribtrary and one time use. That being said, I am using haml and also trying to use content_for in order to place the JS after jquery is loaded from the layout.
The problem is that haml does not like multiline text that is indented (I think)
I am trying to do the following:
=content_for :javascript do
In my layout I have:
= yield(:javascript)
Which actually works if I only have 1 line after the content_for statement.
The correct syntax would be:
- content_for :javascript do
Notice the dash versus the equal sign and the :javascript
HAML filter. HAML works just fine with multi-line as long as it is 2-space indented.
And then in the other part of your view:
= content_for(:javascript)