
Optimize Oracle 11g Procedure

I have a procedure to find the first, last, max and min prices for a series of transactions in a very large table which is organized by date, object name, and a code. I also need the sum of quantities transacted. There are about 3 billion rows in the table and this procedure takes many days to run. I would like to cut that time down as much as possible. I have an index on the distinct fields in the trans table, and looking at the explain plan on the select portion of the queries, the index is being used. I am open to suggestions on an alternate approach. I use Oracle 11g R2. Thank you.

    cursor c_iter is select distinct dt, obj, cd from trans;
    r_iter c_iter%ROWTYPE;
    v_fir number(15,8);
    v_las number(15,8);
    v_max number(15,8);
    v_min number(15,8);
    v_tot number;
    open c_iter;
        fetch c_iter into r_iter;
        exit when c_iter%NOTFOUND;

      select max(fir), max(las) into v_fir, v_las 
            ( select 
                first_value(prc) over (order by seq) as "FIR",
                first_value(prc) over (order by seq desc) as "LAS"
              from trans
              where dt = r_iter.DT and obj = r_iter.OBJ and cd = r_iter.CD );

            select max(prc), min(prc), sum(qty) into v_max, v_min, v_tot
            from trans
            where dt = r_iter.DT and obj = r_iter.OBJ and cd = r_iter.CD;

            insert into stats (obj, dt, cd, fir, las, max, min, tot )
            values (r_iter.OBJ, r_iter.DT, r_iter.CD, v_fir, v_las, v_max, v_min, v_tot);

    end loop;
    close c_iter;


  • alter session enable parallel dml;
    insert /*+ append parallel(stats)*/
    into stats(obj, dt, cd, fir, las, max, min, tot)
    select /*+ parallel(trans) */ obj, dt, cd
        ,max(prc) keep (dense_rank first order by seq) fir
        ,max(prc) keep (dense_rank first order by seq desc) las
        ,max(prc) max, min(prc) min, sum(qty) tot
    from trans
    group by obj, dt, cd;

    There's a lot to consider, even for such a small query, but this is where I'd start.