
Relative path in Subversion externals definition doesn't work for me!

I know there is a question about relative paths in subversion, but it doesn't work for me.

The error I get is:

svn propset svn:externals "openscada_da_server_common ../../openscada_da_server_common/schema" /tmp/atlantis-trunk/org.openscada.da.client.viewer/schema
svn: Ungültige Eigenschaft svn:externals 
    auf »/tmp/atlantis-trunk/org.openscada.da.client.viewer/schema«: 
    Ziel »../../openscada_da_server_common/schema« ist ein absoluter 
    Pfad oder enthält »..«

The equivalent english version should be:

"Invalid %s property on '%s': target '%s' is an absolute path or involves '..'"

My question is Why? According to the subversion docs it is a valid value


  • If you read a bit futher in the page of the manual you refer to you'll notice the following:

    Also, the local subdirectory part of the definition cannot contain .. parent directory indicators (such as ../../skins/myskin).

    For clarity, with relative paths, the correct order of the arguments for svn:externals is:

    ^/../otherRepo/trunk/path/to/dir     dir