In SQL server 2008, I am using a pattern like this:
begin transaction
begin try
/* do something */
end try
begin catch
if @@TRANCOUNT > 0
DECLARE @ErrMsg nvarchar(4000), @ErrSeverity int
@ErrSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()
RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, @ErrSeverity,1)
end catch
if @@TRANCOUNT > 0
commit transaction
When I hit "Cancel Executing Query" button on SQL Server Management Studio it cancels the query and leaves the transaction open.
Is this the intended behavior? Or is there a mistake in my pattern. Shouldn't it rollback the transaction?
IMHO, it is an intended behavior. When you cancels query running if there was open transaction - it remains open until you explicitly commit or roll it back OR until connection is not closed
There is no any valuable mistakes in your pattern. If you control execution flow manually (Cancel Executing Query), then you should care of opened transactions in the same manner - manually.
The behavior is controlled by SSMS option Disconnect after the query executes - which means that the query disconnects after execution or cancel and rolls back opened transactions: