
Drawing stones on the board for Android Go game App

I am an Android Newbie and I'm developing Go game application for android. I'm having a problem with drawing single stone on my board.
Here is my onDraw() method.

public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
   //drawing a board

     canvas.drawBitmap(stone_image, stoneX - (stone_image.getWidth() / 2), stoneY
     - (stone_image.getHeight() / 2),paint);

And I have an onTouch() method:

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
    stoneX = (int) event.getX();
    stoneY = (int) event.getY();
    return true;

The point is, when I set background color in my class constuctor using this method:


Application can't draw a stone on the board after a touchEvent, but when I don't set a background color, application draws a stone perfectly.
P.S. Attributes stoneX,stoneY are correctly defined and initialized.


  • I don't know what View you are using, but I know that there is some problems when using a SurfaceView with a background (could be the case for other views too?) where the background draws on top so you only get a background.

    Instead of setting the background color with setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE), you should start your onDraw() with canvas.drawColor(Color.WHITE).