
Binding a DataPager to ComboBox?

I have a comboxbox defined like this (basically):

<ComboBox x:Name="pageViewSize">
        <ComboBoxItem IsSelected="True">5</ComboBoxItem>

Now i would like my DataPager's PageSize (which is the source to a DataGrid) be bound to this ComboBox's SelectedItem.Value (or is it SelectedValue?):

<DataPager PageSize="{Binding Path=SelectedItem.Value, ElementName=pageViewSize}" Source="{Binding PageView}"/>

This, unfortunately, is not working. The initial pagesize is not 10. And whenever i changed the selection in the ComboBox nothing happens to the displayed pagesize in the DataGrid.

What am i doing wrong?



  • From DataPager.PageSize documentation:

    The source typically implements the IPagedCollectionView interface. In this case, PageSize gets or sets the IPagedCollectionView.PageSize of the IPagedCollectionView.

    If the source is a collection that implements IEnumerablebut not IPagedCollectionView, the DataPager ignores PageSize.

    Maybe your data source doesn't properly support PageSize?

    EDIT: I currently have the same issue as you I had the same issue as you, it was fixed by using @devdigital's answer.

    I'm using data binding instead of element binding, on radio buttons + custom converter instead of combo, but it applies in the same way.

    What I'm doing is data binding IsChecked to a value in my View Model, with a custom two-way converter checking whether value is equal to converter's parameter.

    So here is an example from one of my RadioButtons:

    IsChecked="{Binding MyBindedValue, Converter={StaticResource EqualStringConverter}, ConverterParameter=5, Mode=TwoWay}" 

    And your DataPager, modified:

    <DataPager PageSize="{Binding MyBindedValue, Mode=TwoWay}" Source="{Binding PageView}"/>