
Cleaning the Solutions for zipped email attachment

How do I 'clean' a Visual Studio 2010 C++ solution,

so that it is small enough to be zipped up and sent as an email attachment?

Is there any other way to send large MSVS C++ files over email?


  • For making size smaller:

    Notice: If some files have been manually put in the bin folder by the developer for the program to work make sure you don't delete it. If it's not your own project: Normally there are files of type exe, pdb, ilk, lib, dll, exp, vshost.exe, manifest, that can be safely deleted. But if you see other things, such as mdf or mdb databases, images, text files, etc they shouldn't be deleted.

    Sending projects via e-mail is nice to send your homework to the professor, but as others noted if this is a team work, you must consider using some (distributed) version control system among your team.