Anyone know why I am getting this error?
I am using
root@bt:~/NessusXMLRPC-0.21# python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 6, in <module>
scan = x.quickScan("MyXMLTestSCan", "", "Internal Network Scan")
File "/root/NessusXMLRPC-0.21/", line 280, in quickScan
if type(policies['policy']) is dict:
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str
I tried passing an integer aswell but no such luck.
Attached is the code from the actual module which is having the problem:
if type(policies['policy']) is dict:
# There appears to be only one configured policy
policy = policies['policy']
if policy['policyName'] == policy_name:
policy_id = policy['policyID']
Included is a link to the pastebin of
This is caused by an error in nessusxmlrpc-py.
You can apply the patch or download the corrected version of