
gwt:adding clickhandler to ImageResource cell

I want to add an image to my celltable , for that i use imageResouce as below

         interface Resources extends ClientBundle {
         ImageResource getImageResource();

         Resources resources = GWT.create(Resources.class);

         deleteJobColumn = new Column<EmployerJobs, ImageResource>(new ImageResourceCell()) {
        public ImageResource getValue(EmployerJobs object) {
              return resources.getImageResource();

Its working perfectly fine , i am getting image in my celltable but Now i want to add clickhandler to that image ,For that i am using field Updater like below


            new FieldUpdater<EmployerJobs, ImageResource>() {

                public void update(int index, EmployerJobs employerJobs,
                        ImageResource value) {



so now when i click on that above image cell it should say "Hello", but its not doing any thing .. Any solution ..



  • ImageResourceCell doesn't have any wiring to call the ValueUpdater, it is just designed to draw the image and be done with it.

    You have a few ways you can change this: