
Transpose 2d array, join second level with commas, and join first level with pipes

I have the following two-dimensional array:

01 03 02 15
05 04 06 10
07 09 08 11
12 14 13 16

I want to convert columns to rows then reduce the matrix to a string like the following:



  • I'm assuming that you have this array:

    $array = array (
      array ('01','03','02','15'),
      array ('05','04','06','10'),
      array ('07','09','08','11'),
      array ('12','14','13','16')

    In which case, you can do this:

    $tmpArr = array();
    foreach ($array as $sub) {
      $tmpArr[] = implode(',', $sub);
    $result = implode('|', $tmpArr);
    echo $result;

    See it working