On ANTLR 2, the comment syntax is like this,
// Single-line comments
: (options {warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}
: '--'( { LA(2)!='-' }? '-' | ~('-'|'\n'|'\r'))* ( (('\r')? '\n') { newline(); }| '--') )
{$setType(Token.SKIP); }
However, when porting this to ANTLR 3,
: (
: '--'( { input.LA(2)!='-' }? '-' | ~('-'|'\n'|'\r'))* ( (('\r')? '\n') | '--') )
{$channel = HIDDEN;}
because there is no more options {warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;}
, the following comment cannot be parsed correctly,
-- some comment -- some not comment
Then, what is the possible way to define this SL_COMMENT rule for ANTLR 3?
I came across a solution finally,
: COMMENT ( ({input.LA(2) != '-'}? '-') => '-' | ~('-'|'\n'|'\r'))* ( (('\r')? '\n') | COMMENT)
{ $channel = HIDDEN; }