
Implementing Facebook wishlist tutorial Application Does Not Own Action Type Error

I am working through the Facebook Wishlist app for Android. When I attempt to add my custom object to the Facebook graph the API returns the following error:

     "error: {
      "type": "OAuthExeption",
     Application does not own
     230752723668296 action type"

I haven't been able to find any specific documentation on this particular error. Are there any Facebook developers out there who may be able to help me interpret this.

I should also mention that I already have a working example of this app running without errors (I am trying to duplicate it so I can tweak it with out fear of losing work). I have tried changing the name of the Action but this makes no difference. Below is the snippet of the Android code where it adds the item to the Facebook time line. This is however a small piece of the over all puzzle as there are three sides to this project (Facebook, My Server, and Android)

 public void addToTimeline() {
       dialog =,    "",getString(R.string.adding_to_timeline), true, true);
     * Create Product URL
       String productURL = HOST_SERVER_URL + HOST_PRODUCT_URI;
       Bundle productParams = new Bundle();
       productParams.putString("name", mProductName);
       productParams.putString("image", mProductImageName);
       productURL = productURL + "?" + Util.encodeUrl(productParams);

    Bundle wishlistParams = new Bundle();

    if(mPlacesAvailable) {
        try {
            wishlistParams.putString("place", mPlacesJSONArray.getJSONObject(mPlacesListSpinner.getSelectedItemPosition()).getString("id"));
        } catch (JSONException e) {}
    wishlistParams.putString("wishlist", WISHLIST_OBJECTS_URL[mWishlistSpinner.getSelectedItemPosition()]);
    wishlistParams.putString("product", productURL);
    wishlistParams.putString("image", mProductImageURL);
    //put the app's namespace and 'add_to' action here
    Utility.mAsyncRunner.request("me/wishlisteight:adding_to", wishlistParams, "POST", new addToTimelineListener(), null);


  • "I should also mention that I already have a working example of this app running without errors (I am trying to duplicate it so I can tweak it with out fear of losing work)"

    That action is specific to an app id. When you made the duplicate of your code, did you use the same app id or create a new one? If you created a new app id, you will need to register actions for the new app just like you did with the first app.