
What is the best java opts for running Berkeley DB JE?

I have a machine that inserts around 502,000,000 rows into a BDB JE. An example of a key and a value is:

juhnegferseS0004-47-19332   39694.290336

All of the keys and values are roughly of the same length. The JVM is started with the following parameters:

-Xmx9G -Xms9G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:NewSize=1024m -server

But still, when it reaches ~50,000,000 rows, the JVM is "Killed" (I just get the message "Killed", don't know how/by whom it gests killed). I just guess it tries to run garbage collection and then it cannot free up enough memory or something. But, with that amount of -Xmx, I would guess it should not have any problems.

I use deferredWrites and the size of log files is set to 100MB. Switching to Base API from DPL did not make any difference.

I am using JDK 6.0 and SUSE x86_64 with 12GB of RAM. There are other processes that need the rest of the RAM, hence can't really allocate more than 9GB for this insertion task.


java version "1.6.0_26"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode)

Any tips for fixing this issue is appreciated.


  • There is no single solution that is right for all situation. You will have to try different GC collectors to see which one performs best at the given situation.