here is the gem:
How can i tell if this a Mac only app?
I currently use Growl for Windows as Joe said.
In my Gemfile:
group :test do
gem "ZenTest", "~> 4.6.2"
gem "autotest-growl", "~> 0.2.16"
gem "autotest-rails-pure", "~> 4.1.2"
Create a file named .autotest
in your home directory, probably C:\Users\username\
and put require 'autotest/growl'
at the top.
Ensure Growl is running and when you run bundle exec autotest
the tests will output notifcations through growl.
nb. double-check gem version numbers, it took me a little while to find the right combination of versions to work together and it may have changed since.
Avoid the 'fsevent' gem, as it's mac-specific.