
How to check if class was properly mapped in Zend_amf?

I've successfully configured AMF on the flex side. The client is sending messages, but in return it always get empty response ( headers, but no body).

How to debug index.php? How to check if classes are mapped correctly?

Here is my index.php:

use Project\Entity\Product;

require_once(realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/models/Amf/') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. 'AmfService.php');

$server = new Zend_Amf_Server();
$server->setClassMap("Product", "Product");

echo($server -> handle());

and AmfService.php:

use Project\Entity\Product;

class AmfService {

 public function getProducts(){
    $result = array();

    $product = new Product();

    $product->description = "desc";
    $product->title_pl = "title";

    $result[] = $product;

    return $result;


  • It turned out that my problem lied on the Flex side rather than php.

    My problem wast that I've omit source attribute in RemoteObject declaration. Now it works perfectly :)