I would like to use IronRuby with the ERB system to parse .erb format files and get the output.
In ruby this would be like:
require "erb"
erbContent = "..."
return ERB.new(erbContent,0,"%<>").result
But this just doesnt work in my IronRuby project. I get an exception about the erb file being missing... so I guess this is a libraries issue. I then initiated my Ruby engine with the paths to my IronRuby directories, which then throws a different exception:
allocator undefined for System::String
I had a similar issue, but I was providing the string to the script as a local variable through a scope. The local variable was a .NET CLR string, which is what caused the issue (please see here).
The solution for me was to convert the string passed to ERB.new to a Ruby string using to_s.
Here's an example (Ruby snippet):
require 'erb'
template = ERB.new(template_code.to_s)
The C# Part which invoked the above script:
var scriptEngine = Ruby.CreateEngine();
var templateCode = "my ERB template code goes here";
// Pass the template code to the Ruby script through a scope
var scope = _scriptEngine.CreateScope(new Dictionary<string, object>()
{"template_code", templateCode}
var result scriptEngine.Execute(_boostrapScript, scope).ToString();
In the above C# snippet, _bootstrapScript is a string which contains the Ruby snippet above.