
Signed jar throwing permission exceptions with appletviewer

I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue with signed jars not working under appletviewer. My main goal is to run it outside of the browser, so I tried using appletviewer - if you have other suggestions, let me know.

Here's the context:

Here's the problem:

and, though the intermediate signing certificate (yyy above) is not present, the root one (zzz - or alias1) is:

$ keytool -list -v -keystore /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts -storepass changeit|grep alias1
alias1, Mmm d, yyyy, trustedCertEntry,

Running this:

$ appletviewer myhtml.html


Caused by: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission preferences)

Question set 1:

Not being sure of above, I tried adding the certificate to another local file, called cacerts2. I can confirm that:

Note that now I have the intermediate alias (yyy - or alias2) present in the output and verified both against alias1 and alias2. Running the appletviewer like this:

$ appletviewer myhtml.html

still results in the same exception.

Question set 2:

The third thing I tried is making a policy file like this (this is in mypolicy.policy):

keystore "cacerts2";
// Tried with this and without the next line:
//keystorePasswordURL "cacerts.pass";
// where file cacerts.pass has only "changeit" / "changeit\n" in it (tried both)

// Tried the following three:
grant signedBy "alias1" {
//grant signedBy "alias2" {
//grant {
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "preferences";

and running like this:

$ appletviewer myhtml.html

and like this:

$ appletviewer myhtml.html


Question set 3:


  • My main goal is to run it outside of the browser,..

    Use Java Web Start, which could launch applets free-floating since around the 1.2 days. (Or convert the code to a frame.)

    If the main point of this is testing, you might try Appleteer. AFAIR I never got around to implementing a sand-box for it (so even unsigned applet code would behave as if it were trusted).

    AppletViewer used to launch applets without a security sand-box, even if they were not signed. Now it is the opposite and has a sand-box, and there is no way to get it to accept signed code as trusted!

    IDEs seem to apply a policy file to the viewer, to get it to act however the user configures the IDE.