
Not able to run simple app using Titanium

I'm new to Titanium Framework. I've created a new project, and without making any modifications to ma code, I get errors when I try to Compile/Run for iPhone.

Here is the complete log that I get in console:

[INFO] One moment, building ...
[INFO] Titanium SDK version: (12/22/11 13:09 fbdc96f)
[INFO] iPhone Device family: universal
[INFO] iPhone SDK version: 5.0
[INFO] iPhone simulated device: ipad
[INFO] Performing full rebuild. This will take a little bit. Hold tight...
[INFO] Skipping JS compile, running from simulator
[ERROR] /Users/bhaveshjain/Documents/Titanium Studio Workspace/TitaAppDemo/build/iphone/Classes/GDataXMLNode.h:39:9: fatal error: 'libxml/tree.h' file not found [2]
[ERROR] /Users/bhaveshjain/Documents/Titanium Studio Workspace/TitaAppDemo/build/iphone/Classes/GDataXMLNode.h:39:9: fatal error: 'libxml/tree.h' file not found [2]
[ERROR] Error: Traceback (most recent call last):

Also, one important thing, I have two Xcode installed in my Mac.

Xcode: 3.2.4 with iOS 4.2
Xcode: 4.2 with iOS5


  • I had the same problem as i was having Xcode 4.0 and 4.2 installed..

    With two Xcode installed in my mac i was not able to run the application from my titanium studio.

    So to run the app goto your titanium workspace and under your project >>build>>iphone. you will find the xcode project of your titanium app. run that project with your xcode 3.2.4.

    if you have updated your titanium sdk to the latest one i.e 1.7.x then you can run it with ios sdk 5 too..

    As for now i have removed my older xcode and by doing it everything works fine.