
How to integrate redcloth with coderay

I want to use syntax highlighting along with redcloth.

The description of coderay says:

Fast and easy syntax highlighting for selected languages, written in Ruby. Comes with RedCloth integration and LOC counter. 1

But I did not find a documentation about how to do this?

Where should I put the code to do the hightlighting? I thought about putting it into module ApplicationHelper is this a good idea?


  • OPTION 1:

    Simpe as this: When using rails3 change helper to this:

      def coderay(text) 
        text.gsub!(/\<code(?: lang="(.+?)")?\>(.+?)\<\/code\>/m) do 
          code = CodeRay.scan($2, $1).div(:css => :class) 
        return text.html_safe 

    If you use HAML you will want to use ~ sign:

    ~ raw textilize(coderay(...))

    OPTION 2:

    CodeRay has built-in support for RedCloth.

    1. Add required gem files into your Gemfile.
    gem "RedCloth", :require => 'redcloth'
    gem 'coderay', :require => ['coderay', 'coderay/for_redcloth']
    1. Render the code string like you would do it with RedCloth (~ instead of = because I using HAML).
    ~ raw textilize("Some code here @that should@ be formated.")
    ~ raw textilize("Some code here @[ruby]that should@ be formated.")
    1. You can also render a file.
    # File at /my/file/path/filename.doc
    h1. My title 
    bc[ruby].. # Nekaj za napisat 
    def self.myfun   
    puts "asdas" 
    # Inside your view file
    ~ raw textilize("/my/file/path/filename.doc"))

    I prefere the second option.

    You can find more about styling with Textile markup language at