
django-cms on google-app-engine (django-norel)

I'm trying to get the django-cms to work on google-app-engine. Did anyone succeed in getting such a beast to work?

I've got a sample django-norel app to work and deploy correctly, I've got the django-cms to locally crash in a bunch of absolutely cryptic ways.

DatabaseError at /
First ordering property must be the same as inequality filter property, if specified for this query; received site, expected publisher_state

Before I spend a lot of time trying to bughunt it, any success stories?


  • The error means that you have a query which has inequality filter on some field and ordering by another field. However this is not allowed on appengine's datastore (check the "Restrictions" section of documentation on queries). And well there is no easy way to fix it.

    I have experience with both django and google-app-engine also I have worked with django-cms in the past. In my experience django was a very bad choice for appengine. Django-ORM is useless in appengine, the django-nonrell does not implement all functions of django-orm. As for django-cms I would not even consider to run it on appengine.