
Spree error 500

Need some help here.

I have deployed spree (0.70.3) on slicehost (ubuntu, ruby1.8.7, Rails 3.1.3), installed the spree gem, loaded in the sample data successfully following the steps on spree startup manual and I am using passenger (it works on localhost:3000). When I upload to my server, however, instead of seeing the spree interface, I am getting an error message. From the production.log:

Processing by HomeController#index as HTML Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 22ms ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Could not find table 'product_groups'):

Any suggestions how I can get this to work?



  • production.log is the rails log. It appears your problem is occurring before rails completes loading. If you're using apache, check/post the apache logs, it might have more clues as to what's going on.