
Raudus vs ExtPascal: Delphi web developement alternatives that use ExtJS

Delphi developers has several tools (several alternatives to ASP.NET) for building web applications.

While No.1 framework is Intraweb, there is a lot of interest around ExtJS, that has 2 incarnations: 1) the opensource ExtPascal 2) the closedsource Raudus

Now the products are different, Raudus never supports the latest ExtJS version (while ExtPascal does because as far as I read it "almost automatically updates itself to the latest ExJS version"), Raudus "seems" much RAD (much similar to Intraweb from the RAD point of view).

Anyway why chose one or the other?

Why Raudus (since it is free) cannot become Open Source? Or does Raudus use ExtPascal behind the scenes?

Comment: uniGUI seems at first sight to combine the good part of Raudus (the RAD part) and ExtPascal (being based on extPascal).


  • After using Raudus for a few months I decided to post my own answer.

    The framework is improving, Sencha touch support now it is not complete but sufficient to create usable web applications optimized for mobile devices.

    RFE, a new front end, not based on Sencha Touch is under developement and in next Raudus release (that should be out soon) there will be a usable preview of the new controls set.

    So while ExtPascal seems frozen, Raudus is in progress and promising.

    Update: I stopped using Raudus, it dropped ExtJs support and now it ships with own controls, that will never match the beauty and richness of extjs components. I am now going for IW + cgdevtools components that are Jquery UI for IW.