
How to split string by multiple characters in MSBuild 4?

I have the following string called MasterVersion:


I need to split it by the . and the - so it becomes a string[] array called SplitVersion, i.e.:


I've tried everything I can think of including about a dozen variations of the below, with no joy:

<!-- doesn't work -->
    <VersionDelimiters Include="." />
    <VersionDelimiters Include="-" />
    <SplitVersion Include="$(MasterVersion.Split(@VersionDelimiters))" />

<!-- doesn't work either -->
    <SplitVersion Include="$(MasterVersion.Split([`.`; `-`]))" />

What obscure MSBuild syntax am I missing/mucking up?


  • MSBuild 4.0 property functions cannot handle arrays (well basically), however when you do a

    Split(`,`, `-`)

    You are invoking the String.Split(params string[]) overload, which requires an array (even in C# the params keyword will create an array behind the scene and do something like Split(new string[] { ',', '-' }) internally).

    What you could do is the following:

    <Project xmlns=""
            <SplitVersion Include="$(MasterVersion.Replace(`-`, `.`).Split(`.`))" />
        <Target Name="Test">
            <Message Importance="high" Text="@(SplitVersion)"/>

    Or you could first create the (string) array to be passed to Split:

    <Project xmlns="" ToolsVersion="4.0">
            <SplitVersion Include="$(MasterVersion.Split($(DelimitersArray)))" />
        <Target Name="Test">
            <Message Importance="high" Text="@(SplitVersion)"/>

    Which is not really better in this case ;-)

    Oh, and you might want to check out this MSDN blog entry for more useful information.

    Update for a comment:



    The array-indexing operator works here, because in this case you are still "in the context" of the .NET expression. Once that is assigned to a property (or item group) you cannot do that anymore.