
Multi keys in SQL WHERE IN clause

Say you have Accounts table where ID column is PK and TaxID+AccountNumber is unique constraint:

select * from Accounts where ID in (100, 101)

now you want to make similar query using the natural key:

select * from Accounts 
where {TaxID, AccountNumber} in 
  ({"0123456", "2000897"}, {"0125556", "2000866"})

So this involves tuples and looks pretty legitimate. Is it possible to express somehow with ANSI SQL? Maybe in some specific SQL extension? If not, why (will appreciate any speculations)?


  • Both of these are valid ISO/ANSI Full SQL-92 syntax:

    SELECT a.* 
    FROM Accounts a
        ( VALUES('0123456', '2000897'), ('0125556', '2000866')
        ) AS v(TaxID, AccountNumber) 
      ON (a.TaxID, a.AccountNumber) = (v.TaxID, v.AccountNumber)
    SELECT * 
    FROM Accounts a
    WHERE (a.TaxID, a.AccountNumber) IN 
        ( VALUES ('0123456', '2000897'), ('0125556', '2000866') )

    But I don't think either of them works in any current DBMS.

    This is also valid Full SQL-92 syntax (it doesn't work in SQL-Server 2008 because of the NATURAL JOIN):

    SELECT a.* 
    FROM Accounts a
        ( VALUES('0123456', '2000897'), ('0125556', '2000866')
        ) AS v(TaxID, AccountNumber) 

    This is also valid SQL (not sure if it is in the 92 specification or later) - and is what you have (but using parenthesis, not curly brackets).
    It is supported by MySQL, Postgres, DB2 (but not SQL Server):

    SELECT a.* 
    FROM Accounts a
    WHERE (TaxID, AccountNumber) IN
        ( ('0123456', '2000897'), ('0125556', '2000866') )

    There has been a similar question in DBA.SE, with various other ways to formulate this:
    selecting where two columns are in a set