
Blackberry PictureScrollField image issue when focus is removed

I'm using a PictureScrollField in a VerticalFieldManager with other fields that need focus. When the PictureScrollField receives focus, the images are shown in their original form. But when I remove focus, by default, the field draws a white square over the images. I looked around in the API and couldn't find a way to undo this default property. How to remove these squares?

This is the image when the field has focus-

This is the image when the field has focus

And this is when the field loses focus-

enter image description here

You can see how the images have white overlays which look bad for non rectangular transparent images.


  • The solution is pretty simple - override onUnfocus method as

    protected void onUnfocus(){
        /*do nothing to prevent BB default image highlight*/
        /*or do your own thing*/