
ToggleSwitch not worked in windowsphone7.5

I used ToggleSwitch control in windowsphone, It works fine in windowsphone7 version, takes Microsoft.Phone.Controls as a assembly reference. But in the windowsphone7.5 it asks assembly reference for ToggleSwitch control, it's not included in Microsoft.Phone.Controls. Anyone know the assembly reference for windowsphone7.5 ToggleSwitch control.


  • The ToggleSwitch control is part of the Silverlight Toolkit, and is part of the namespace Microsoft.Phone.Controls.

    To enable it in your project, add a reference to the toolkit dll (or better yet, use NuGet to install it), and then reference the namespace in your XAML

    (I'm sure you already know this stuff, and that the actual alias you choose isn't important as long as you use the same one when adding the control to the XAML - using "toolkit" here because that's what I normally do)


    and make sure your declaration of the control in the XAML includes the namespace reference...

    <toolkit:ToggleSwitch ... ><!-- more stuff here --></toolkit:ToggleSwitch>