
OSSEC | How to add an exception rule

I have the standard syslog_rules.xml (OSSEC 2.6.0). This is the standard rule for bad words in the /var/log/messages file:

<var name="BAD_WORDS">core_dumped|failure|error|attack|bad |illegal |denied|refused|unauthorized|fatal|failed|Segmentation Fault|Corrupted</var>
<rule id="1002" level="2">
<description>Unknown problem somewhere in the system.</description>

How can I add or modify this rule that uses $BAD_WORDS, but excludes the auxpropfunc error phrase? That is, something like this:

<match>!auxpropfunc error</match>

Any ideas?


  • Your best option is probably to write a rule to ignore that phrase. You could add something like the following to /var/ossec/rules/local_rules.xml:

    <rule id="SOMETHING" level="0">
      <match>auxpropfunc error</match>
      <description>Ignore auxpropfunc error.</description>

    You could then run the entire log message through ossec-logtest to see how OSSEC will analyze it. You may need to add another option into this rule, or you may not.