
Any way to hide Android home screen icons to show Live Wallpaper?

As Android live wallpapers are becoming more prevalent, and developers are doing more with them, a question coming up more and more is how to hide the home screen icons temporarily while the user interacts with the wallpaper.

For this to work, the icons would have to be removed temporarily – not just made invisible, since a tap on an invisible icon would still run the app.

Also, it would be ideal to have a universal solution that works across customs launchers, not just the Android stock launcher.

This question was already asked on StackOverflow, and the answer was that you cannot do this. But this is clearly not correct, as there are at least two programs on Android Market that do exactly this: Show Off (Your Live Wallpaper) and The Cleaner (Show Wallpaper)

Is there a way to hide Android home screen icons, and then later put them back in place?


  • This would have to be a completely new launcher. This is not possible without this I don't think. Sorry. However; to be absolutely sure though you'd have to look at the Launcher2 package in the android source and look through files like I'll look into it later on 2.3.3 for you and see what I find.