
HTML Form Submit opens default mail client (Outlook)

I have an HTML form on my website. The form has various fields and on the submit button click i wish the data filled is sent to directly an email address. .

I am using POST method .

However when i enter the data and submit , it opens default email client (Outlook). Where as i want, that the data should be sent directly to the address is specified without opening default email client. It should be abstracted for user.

Here is my Code :

  <form id="form2" method="get" class="contact_us" action="">
<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
  <input type="text" class="fields_contact_us" name="textfield" />
  <input type="text" class="fields_contact_us" name="textfield2" />
Your message:
<textarea name="textarea" cols="" rows=""></textarea>
  <input type="submit" class="submit_button_contact" name="Submit3" value="Submit" />

can anyone please suggest what shall be the best thing to do here ?


  • You'll need to pass it to a page with a server-side language such as .

    That page will handle the request and send the email.