Im using Rad ajax manager, RadAjaxLoadingPanel in my webform.
I have two panels in my form, Panel1 is having Create account controls and another Panel2 is for Thank you notes.
When user created an account successfully i need to hide Panel 1 and show Panel 2. Im using ResponseEnd method to do make visible/hide using Javascript below method.
function ResponseEnd(sender, arguments) {
//hide the loading panel and clean up the global variables
if (currentLoadingPanel != null) {
currentUpdatedControl = null;
currentLoadingPanel = null;
function ShowTY(){
document.getElementById('<%= Panelty.ClientID %>').style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById('<%= Panelty.ClientID %>').style.display = "block";
document.getElementById('<%= Panelsu.ClientID %>').style.visibility = "false";
document.getElementById('<%= Panelsu.ClientID %>').style.display = "none";
If user already exist or any db server error i need show Panel1 display error message in a Label For this I need to write a condition to check whether server response succeeded or not in the above method.
Please let me know how i can know the server response or how i can handle this issue..... Please reply soon
According to the documentation: There is no way to pass data from an event on the server to the client side event handler.
I would suggest moving the logic to configure the display (hiding/showing elements, displaying error messages) to the server, where the code to create the account is. Since you are using the loading panels, this should be straightforward:
if(accountCreatedSuccessfully) {
Panelty.Visible = true;
Panelsu.Visible = false;
else {
// TODO: display the error messages somewhere, in a label
Panelty.Visible = false;
Panelsu.Visible = true;