
How to get a rule activation to call a python function, using PyClips

I am experimenting with PyClips and I want to integrate it tightly with Python, so that when a rule is activated, it calls a python function.

Here is what I have so far:

import clips

def addf(a, b):
    return a + b


(defrule duck
  (animal-is duck)
  (assert (sound-is quack))
  (printout t "it’s a duck" crlf))
  (python-call addf 40 2 )

However, when I assert the fact 'animal-is duck', my python function is NOT being called:

>>> clips.Assert("(animal-is duck)")
<Fact 'f-0': fact object at 0x7fe4cb323720>
>>> clips.Run()

What am I doing wrong?


  • There's a misplaced bracket that closes the rule too soon leaving out the python-call:

    (defrule duck
      (animal-is duck)
      (assert (sound-is quack))
      (printout t "it's a duck" crlf))
      (python-call addf 40 2 )       ^
    """)                      ^      |
                              |   this one
                          should go here

    If you want to verify that the addf actually returned 42, the result could be binded and printed it out:

    (defrule duck
      (animal-is duck)
      (assert (sound-is quack))
      (printout t \"it's a duck\" crlf)
      (bind ?tot (python-call addf 40 2 ))
      (printout t ?tot crlf))
    clips.Assert("(animal-is duck)")
    t = clips.StdoutStream.Read()
    print t