
Get N top scores from a flat array and allow unlimited elements per qualifying score in the event of ties

I'm working on a leader board that pulls the top scorers into first, second, and third place based on points. Right now I'm working with a sorted array that looks like this (but could be of infinite length with infinite point values):

$scores = Array
        ["bob"] => 20
        ["Jane"] => 20
        ["Jill"] => 15
        ["John"] => 10
        ["Jacob"] => 5

I imagine I could use a simple slice or chunk, but I'd like to allow for ties, and ignore any points that don't fit into the top three places, like so:

$first = Array
        ["bob"] => 20
        ["Jane"] => 20

$second = Array
        ["Jill"] => 15

$third = Array
        ["John"] => 10


  •   $arr = array(
          "Jacob" => 5,
          "bob" => 20,
          "Jane" => 20,
          "Jill" => 15,
          "John" => 10,
      $output = array();
      foreach($arr as $name=>$score)
          $output[$score][$name] = $score;
          if (count($output)>3) 
      $output = array_values($output); 

    $first will be in $output[0], $second in $output[1] and so on.. Code is limited to 3 first places.

    ps: updated to deal with tie on the third place