
Why is Bubble Sort implementation looping forever?

In class we are doing sorting algorithms and, although I understand them fine when talking about them and writing pseudocode, I am having problems writing actual code for them.

This is my attempt in Python:

mylist = [12, 5, 13, 8, 9, 65]

def bubble(badList):
    length = len(badList) - 1
    unsorted = True

    while unsorted:
        for element in range(0,length):
            unsorted = False
            if badList[element] > badList[element + 1]:
                hold = badList[element + 1]
                badList[element + 1] = badList[element]
                badList[element] = hold
                print badList
                unsorted = True

print bubble(mylist)

Now, this (as far as I can tell) sorts correctly, but once it finishes it just loops indefinitely.

How can this code be fixed so the function finishes properly and correctly sorts a list of any (reasonable) size?

P.S. I know I should not really have prints in a function and I should have a return, but I just have not done that yet as my code does not really work yet.


  • To explain why your script isn't working right now, I'll rename the variable unsorted to sorted.

    At first, your list isn't yet sorted. Of course, we set sorted to False.

    As soon as we start the while loop, we assume that the list is already sorted. The idea is this: as soon as we find two elements that are not in the right order, we set sorted back to False. sorted will remain True only if there were no elements in the wrong order.

    sorted = False  # We haven't started sorting yet
    while not sorted:
        sorted = True  # Assume the list is now sorted
        for element in range(0, length):
            if badList[element] > badList[element + 1]:
                sorted = False  # We found two elements in the wrong order
                hold = badList[element + 1]
                badList[element + 1] = badList[element]
                badList[element] = hold
        # We went through the whole list. At this point, if there were no elements
        # in the wrong order, sorted is still True. Otherwise, it's false, and the
        # while loop executes again.

    There are also minor little issues that would help the code be more efficient or readable.

    Put it all together, and you get this:

    my_list = [12, 5, 13, 8, 9, 65]
    def bubble(bad_list):
        length = len(bad_list) - 1
        sorted = False
        while not sorted:
            sorted = True
            for i in range(length):
                if bad_list[i] > bad_list[i+1]:
                    sorted = False
                    bad_list[i], bad_list[i+1] = bad_list[i+1], bad_list[i]
    print my_list

    (I removed your print statement too, by the way.)