
Delphi 2009, MyDAC and relational database

I have quite a problem concerning the use of relational database concepts in Delphi 2009 with MyDAC.

I have a database structure that looks somehow like the following:




Now when I have an active dataset from "Item" how can I display all associated Storages in for example a DBGrid?

By the way: Would it be better to not use "id" in every table but to alter it and use something like for example "id_item" or "id_storage"?

Thank you in advance :)


  • Select a.ID, b.Name, a.Place
    from StorageItem a
    inner join Storage b
    on ( =

    the above query will return all the items in StorageItem table with it's name, now if you want to filter it to return only items for a specific item add where clause to be like

    Select a.ID, b.Name, a.Place
    from StorageItem a
    inner join Storage b
    on ( =
    where a.item_id = 1 -- place the item id here

    you can use where with parameters such as:

    MyQuery.Sql.Text := ' Select a.ID, b.Name, a.Place from StorageItem a
    + ' inner join Storage b on ( = '
    + ' where a.item_id = :ItemNo ';
    MyQuery.ParamByName('ItemNo').asInteger := 1;

    and assign the query above to dbGrid

    also you can use MasterSource property to make the relations without using the "where" part