
how to type certain commands in vim, like CTRL-] ^Wc etc.. on a German Keyboard

I'm sitting here feeling silly - the vim help tells me to hit CTRL] (to follow links in the help) and I can't get it!? Same problem with ^Wc (close a split window)

I have a German keyboard and especially the CTRL] doesn't seem to work for me.

How do I do them?

Thanks for the help so far, seems to work except the CTRL]! Any idea how I can make it work?


  • I have a Croatian keyboard and pretty much the same problems (due to the fact that I don't have, for example "]" on it). Have you thought about remapping those keys to something which you could use instead of Ctrl-] key.

    For example, plain enter works nicely for me.

    To do that, you just go to your "/vimfiles/ftplugin/" directory, and create a file called help.vim (if you're interested in using that key combination only in HELP kind of files). In it, type

    nmap <buffer> <Enter> <C-]>
    "for just following the link
    nmap <buffer> <C-Enter> <C-w><C-]><C-w>T
    "for following the help topic in a new split (often useful)