I need some advice on configuring mail in production Ruby-on-Rails sites.
I deploy my Rails app on EngineYard. I have a couple of sites, like demo.mydomain.com
or staging.mydomain.com
- how can I configure Devise so that at deploy time I can make sure confirmation mails come from demo.mydomain.com
or staging.mydomain.com
automatically? ie, I want the same GitHub codebase, and want to fill the configuration in dynamically.
Currently in config/environments/production.rb
I have the line:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'demo.mydomain.com' }
But that's incorrect when the same code is deployed to staging.mydomain.com
as they both run in RAILS_ENV=production
Any ideas?
Thanks, Dave
Update: For now, to be practical, I've added specific environments to hardcode the mailer domain. So now demo.mydomain.com
runs on environments/demo.rb
, and www.mydomain.com
runs on environments/productions.rb
. What I don't like about this is the duplication between the files, it's not clear to me how to DRY them up as I have with, eg, database.yml
in your devise configuration, usually config/initializers/devise.rb
you can configure the mail-sender for devise. this configuration takes a proc, so that it's possible to evaluate something at runtime.
Devise.setup do |config|
config.mailer_sender = Proc.new { your_magic_here }