
Chomping inside an array

puts ( {(1..100).to_a[rand(100)]}).group_by { |x| (x - 1) / 10 }.sort_by { |x| x }.map {|x, y| [10 * x + 1, "-" , 10 * (x + 1), "   ", "|", "  ", "*" * (y.length)]}

In the above code, I need to chomp after each comma in the map block. The issue is that I keep getting the following output no matter what I do:




How can I chomp inside the map to make it look like the following

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  • ( {(1..100).to_a[rand(100)]}).group_by { |x| (x - 1) / 10 }.sort_by { |x| x }.map {|x, y| [10 * x + 1, "-" , 10 * (x + 1), "   ", "|", "  ", "*" * (y.length)]}.collect { |a| a.join }.each { |a| puts a }

    But if your goal is to do that, why are you creating the nested arrays in the first place?

    a = {(1..100).to_a[rand(100)]}
    a = a.group_by { |x| (x - 1) / 10 }
    a = a.sort_by { |x| x }
    a = { |x, y| "#{10 * x + 1} - {#10 * (x + 1)}   |  #{'*' * (y.length)}" }
    a.each { |bag| puts bag }

    With some cleanup, maintaining your single-line thing: { rand(100) + 1 }.group_by { |x| (x - 1) / 10 } { |x, y| sprintf "%2d - %3d | %s" % [10 * x + 1, 10 * (x + 1), '*' * y.length] }.each { |l| puts l }
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