Basically there is a file called
and I want to import the file into another file (in the same folder and I cannot change the file name as the file is provided). Is there any way to do this in Python? I tried usual way from 8puzzle import *
, it gives me an error.
Error is:
>>> import 8puzzle
File "<input>", line 1
import 8puzzle
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
You could do
puzzle = __import__('8puzzle')
Very interesting problem. I'll remember not to name anything with a number.
If you'd like to import *
-- you should check out this question and answer.
See answer below (use importlib.import_module
from Python 3.1) for interoperability and understandability.
This provides an implementation of import which is portable to any Python interpreter. This also provides an implementation which is easier to comprehend than one implemented in a programming language other than Python.
The import_module() function acts as a simplifying wrapper around importlib.__import__(). This means all semantics of the function are derived from importlib.__import__(). The most important difference between these two functions is that import_module() returns the specified package or module (e.g. pkg.mod), while __import__() returns the top-level package or module (e.g. pkg).