I know how to get the phone number from an ABRecordRef
, but what I want now is to also get the type of the number, i.e. its label as a string:
const CFStringRef kABPersonPhoneIPhoneLabel;
const CFStringRef kABPersonPhoneMainLabel;
const CFStringRef kABPersonPhoneHomeFAXLabel;
const CFStringRef kABPersonPhoneWorkFAXLabel;
const CFStringRef kABPersonPhonePagerLabel;
Here is how I get the numbers:
//get all phone numbers
NSArray *phoneNumbersArray = (NSArray*)ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues(phoneNumberProperty);
NSInteger numbersCounter = 0;
for(numbersCounter = 0; numbersCounter < [phoneNumbersArray count]; numbersCounter++)
NSString currentPhoneNumber = [phoneNumbersArray objectAtIndex:indexPhoneNumber];
// here i would like to read the type of phone number
// NSLog(@"NumberType:%@",numberType);
I tried all sorts of things and I've read the ABPerson Reference and I don't know how to get the phone number type?
I have figure out how to read the localized label of the phone number
//get all phone numbers
ABMultiValueRef phoneNumberMultiValue = ABRecordCopyValue(currentPerson, kABPersonPhoneProperty);
NSUInteger phoneNumberIndex;
for (phoneNumberIndex = 0; phoneNumberIndex < ABMultiValueGetCount(phoneNumberMultiValue); phoneNumberIndex++) {
CFStringRef labelStingRef = ABMultiValueCopyLabelAtIndex (phoneNumberMultiValue, phoneNumberIndex);
NSString *phoneLabelLocalized = (NSString*)ABAddressBookCopyLocalizedLabel(labelStingRef);
NSString *phoneNumber = (NSString *)ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex(phoneNumberMultiValue, phoneNumberIndex);
//memory management
[phoneLabelLocalized release];
[phoneNumber release];