I am doing some basic sql logic and I want to use a named scope. I'm trying to find out how many members of a season have also participated in another season (i.e. they are returning members).
class Season
has_many :season_members
has_many :users, :through => :season_members
def returning_members
users.select { |u| u.season_members.count > 1 }
class SeasonMember
belongs_to :season
belongs_to :user
class User
has_many :season_members
Is it possible to use :group and friends to rewrite the returning_members method as a scope?
I happen to be using Rails 2.3 but I'll also accept solutions that rely on newer versions.
Not sure if you really want to put this scope on Season, since that would imply that you are looking for Seasons which have repeat users. But, I assume you want Users that have repeat seasons. With that assumption, your scope would be:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :repeat_members,
:select=>"users.*, count(season_members.season_id) as season_counter",
:joins=>"JOIN season_members ON season_members.user_id = users.id",
:having=>"season_counter > 1"
which would result in the following query:
SELECT users.*, count(season_members.season_id) as season_counter FROM "users" JOIN season_members ON season_members.user_id = users.id GROUP BY users.id HAVING season_counter > 1
Confirmed with: Rails 3.1.3 and SQLite3