I can't look at mysql tables right now...but I don't think '+' is making it into the table.
I checked magic_guotes
and it is turned on. However magic_quotes should not do anything to the '+' sign as it only relates to escaping for characters the database uses.
Also, I checked my regular expressions
on the client and server (javascript and php) and there is nothing to remove '+' signs.
I also use htmlentites()
but I do not believe + is an html entity and even if it was this should only make it an entity wrather than a character.
This leaves json_encode
, but I was able to echo the characters back to the client before encoding and could still see there was no '+' sign.
I've checked all 5 places and can not determine where my + sign is going...it seems the mysql database is returning a space where the + sign should be.
Ajax Serialize
function ajax_serialize( form_name )
var return_string='',
for(iterator = 0; iterator < form_elements.length; iterator++)
if( form_elements[iterator].name )
if( form_elements[iterator].type === 'checkbox' && form_elements[iterator].checked === false )
return_string += form_elements[iterator].name + "=0&";
return_string += form_elements[iterator].name + "=" + form_elements[iterator].value+"&";
return_string = return_string.slice( 0, -1 );
return return_string;
Ajax Tweet
function interface_tweet()
var form_name = 'tweet',
response_div = form_name + '_response',
tw_text = new Text(form_name),
tw_message = new Message(response_div);
if( Constant.VALIDATE_ON === 1 )
if( !tw_text.checkEmpty() )
if( !tw_text.checkPattern('tweet') )
Ajax.repeatUseAjaxObject( Constant.GATEWAY, ajax_serialize( 'tweet') + '&ajax_type=ControlTweet_add' , ajax_tweet ,'tweet_fill' );
document.getElementById( 'tweet_input' ).value='';
document.getElementById( 'tweet_response' ).innerHTML='';
This is what you should have
return_string += encodeURIComponent(form_elements[iterator].name) + "=0&";
return_string += encodeURIComponent(form_elements[iterator].name) + "="
+ encodeURIComponent(form_elements[iterator].value)+"&";
if your form_elements[iterator].name
does not have any symbols that should be encoded then you may remove encodeURIComponent
for it.