I'm developing an extension in Chrome, and there's a problem. In my inject.js
, I make a request like:
and in my `background.js I simply add a request Listener like:
But there's an error:
Port error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist
It seems a bug in chrome?
part of my manifest.json
"background": {
"scripts": ["background.js"]
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["< all_urls >"],
"js": ["inject.js"]
I'm in Chromium 17, and I tried reloading the extension, reopening the browser... nothing happened
some one get some ideas?
I found myself having the same issue as you describe here. The solution I found that works for me is to use a backgroundpage instead of a background script, like so:
"background_page": "src/background.html",
// maybe this seems to work instead of background { scripts [] }
/* this gives a Port error: Could not ...
"background": {
"scripts": ["src/background.js"]
I hope this works for you too.