
Best practice to calculate view size within loadView method

What is the best practice to calculate the view size in the loadView method (in an UIViewController) without a XIB file?

Here is my solution:

- (void)loadView {

  //Calculate Screensize
  BOOL statusBarHidden = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] isStatusBarHidden ];
  BOOL navigationBarHidden = [self.navigationController isNavigationBarHidden];
  BOOL tabBarHidden = [self.tabBarController.tabBar isHidden];

  CGRect frame = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];

  if (!statusBarHidden) {
    frame.size.height -= [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarFrame].size.height; 
  if (!navigationBarHidden) {
    frame.size.height -= self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame.size.height; 
  if (!tabBarHidden) {
    frame.size.height -= self.tabBarController.tabBar.frame.size.height; 

  UIView *v = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: frame];
  [v setBackgroundColor: [UIColor whiteColor] ];
  [v setAutoresizingMask: UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight ];
  [self setView: v ];
  [v release];      

Is this code okay, or should I edit something?


  • The docs recommend using [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame] to get the screen bounds without the status bar