
How do I use DocumentDatabase.StartBackup() in conjunction with an RavenDB EmbeddableDocumentStore?

I read the Backup and Restore doc at RavenDB website and tried it in my code.

In the doc we have:

Initiating a backup

When running in embedded mode, all you need is to call the method DocumentDatabase.StartBackup().

The above line of code just won't compile with error:

An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property
'Raven.Database.DocumentDatabase.StartBackup(string, bool)'

So I tried this just to test:

new DocumentDatabase(_documentStore.Configuration).
                                               StartBackup(@"~\App_Data\Backup", true);

The code compiles but when the app starts I get this error:

Could not open transactional storage: C:\Project\trunk\MyApp\App_Data\Database\Data

Can someone please share some working code about how can one do a full backup of an online embedded document store? Is it even possible without using RavenDB server?

My only option is doing a manual backup of the database folder?


  • Leniel, You need to use the StartBackup method on the actual instance that you are running. If you are using the EmbeddableDocumentStore, you need to do:
